Domestic Violence

Domestic ViolenceIf you are a victim of domestic violence, we can help you understand your rights and the protections that North Carolina law affords you.

We can also help you learn where to go for shelter and support in your community. The NC Address Confidentiality Program can help by allowing victims to keep their new address safe from possible or former abusers.
Domestic violence is against the law in North Carolina (N.C. General Statutes Chapter 50B). Victims of domestic violence have the right to take legal action to end the abuse.
Children suffer from domestic violence tooWe help to to educate our clients about domestic violence and the laws against it. We assist in developing legislation and policies aimed at preventing domestic violence and protecting its victims.

If you are a victim of domestic violence, the NC Address Confidentiality Program can help.  This program will help keep your new address safe from possible or former abusers.  For more information, call them at (919) 716-6785 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Miller and Smith Law

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What Our Clients Say

Tammy Smith handled my case so swiftly that it felt as though my troubles never even happened. She is also very personable and easy to contact if necessary. After having gone to other attorneys in the area I would immediately recommend her, and thereby this firm, should you have any legal issues.

justsayintho mister
Sep 22, 2018

Service Areas

Service Areas
Harnett County - Lillington, Holly Springs,
Apex, Cary NC

Open Mon-Fri 9:30am - 4pm

About Us

At Miller & Smith Law, we help our clients with divorce, separation, child custody and support, and alimony.
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